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Mining Minds

Feb 26, 2020

Thirty-year miner Mark Blakeman sits down with Mining Minds and drops some tips for the young miners out there. Mark talks about getting his start in the uranium mines, coaching little league, and the changes he's seen in mining through the years. We reminisce with Mark about working at the Bullfrog mine in Beatty and...

Feb 19, 2020

Operations Manager Joe Kemp finds his way into the Mining Minds studio to talk to us about his mining journey. Joe walks us from his agriculture background and into the different functions of the mining cycle he has experienced. He talks about the importance of culture, listening, and pulling in the right people to...

Feb 5, 2020

"If you want stuff you have to do stuff" says Derek Russell. Mining Minds was able to sit down with Derek as he talked about coming from Southern California to this Northern Nevada area. New to the mining community he discusses the opportunities places like these provide. Derek talks about trying and failing versus...